"The Icon of the Zombie Mob", Academic Quarter Spring 2015, Vol. World War Z (film) na Rotten Tomatoes-u ( ( en)).World War Z (film) na Box Office Mojo-u.»Paramount said the film, which Pitt produced, cost $190 million to produce.« „'Monsters University' scares zombies to lead U.S. ↑ Grover, Ronald Michaud, Chris (June 23, 2013). Info Film dan Cinema Indonesia - WORLD WAR Z (3D) - Diangkat dari novel karya Max Brook berjudul yang sama, World War Z, berlatar belakang awal dari sebuah wabah.»The zombie thriller, which reportedly cost over $200 million to produce (Paramount is admitting to $190 million).« „Box office report: 'Monsters University' scares up $82 million”. Naišao je na podeljene, ali pretežno pozitivne reakcije kritičara i zaradio preko 540.000.000 $ na bioskopskim blagajnama, čime je postao najprofitabilniji film o zombijima svih vremena. Scenario je skroro u potpunosti izmenio radnju u odnosu na originalni roman, s obzirom da je nestao satirični ton i umesto toga postao konvencionalni akcioni triler o zombi apokalipsi. Film je pre premijere postao poznat po velikim problemima tokom produkcije, uključujući brojne snimljene sekvence koje su nestale iz završnog filma. However, the war ends almost as soon as it begins when the supercomputers in charge of launching the missiles put them in orbit around Pluto instead of launching them at enemy powers. Being on a remote island, the characters only learn about from television. Glavnu ulogu tumači Bred Pit, a pored njega u filmu nastupaju Mirej Enos, Danijela Kertes, Džejms Bedž Dejl i Dejvid Mors. World War III broke out in an arc in Conchy. Radnja prati Gerija Lejna, bivšeg istražitelja Ujedinjenih nacija koji putuje svetom kako bi zaustavio širenje pandemije zombija. Predstavlja adaptaciju istoimenog romana Maksa Bruksa iz 2006. When starving mobs begin rioting in the streets of Moscow, Soviet leaders believe they have no recourse but to seize the Alaskan pipeline to force the United States to end the grain embargo that has brought turmoil to the U.S.S.R. At least, thatll be part of the subject matter in. World War Z) je američki apokaliptični akcioni horor film iz 2013. As if he hadnt done enough by unleashing the Deadite plague upon the planet, it now appears Sam Raimi has his eye on a potential World War III.